#OnThisDay 15. Juli 1799: Das Pferd von Pierre François Xavier Bouchard stolpert im Nildelta bei Rosette über einen Stein (so die Legende). Auf dem Stein befindet sich eine Inschrift in drei Sprachen - Basis für die Entzifferung der Hieroglyphen. Die Geschichte des Steins von #Rosette, die Entzifferung der Hieroglyphen und das internationale "Digital Rosetta Stone Project in einer tollen virtuellen Ausstellung mit hochauflösenden (3D-)Grafiken:
Entstanden ist die Ausstellung aus einem Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Ägyptologisches Institut/Ägyptisches Museum Georg Steindorff, Leipzig / Digital Humanities Leipzig | UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG & Exzellenzinitiative Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, University of Florida & British Museum
If you were impressed by the presentation today, you can find more info on the project here:
Today at Digital Classicist Berlin (16:15 CET): Eleni Bozia/Angelos Barmpoutis (University of Florida) speak about “The Digital Epigraphy Toolbox 2.0. 3D visualizations, cloud services, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in epigraphic studies”. #digiclass
On this #dayofdh2020 we are glad to present the open-access Rosetta Stone 3D model, the product of the collaboration between our @UF Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology team and @UniLeipzig. @UF_CLAS @UFClassics #digitalhumanities #rosettastone @UFDigitalWorlds @dhnow
Today is Digital Humanities Day! Check out this ultra high resolution 3D scan of the Rosetta Stone helped made by @UFDigitalWorlds faculty member, Dr. Angelos Barmpoutis! #dayofdh2020 @UF @UFClassics @UFCOTA @britishmuseum
The #RosettaStone in #3D - the Digital Rosetta Stone Project of @UniLeipzig and @UF is giving you a treat on this #dayofdh2020: a new depth map of the famous monument in the @britishmuseum. Best resolution so far! 1/5 @Monica_Berti
You can download the depth map of the #RosettaStone #openaccess here at @ubleipzig's repository: or here (Florida Smathers Libraries): or here (Humanities Commons): ...2/5
Data too big? Follow this link/QR code and view it on your smartphone/tablet/computer: …3/5
More about the project: More about the imaging technology “shape from shading”: …4/5
More material will follow. Meanwhile, we would like thank all our partners and supporters! @DHUniLeipzig #AegyptischesMuseumLeipzig @ilonareg @NealSpencer_BM @mavissien @beat_hartung et al. 5/5
Séance de l’@Academie_IBL du 8 mars à 15h30 exposé de M. Brunet @univ_lyon2 E-STAMPAGES une nouvelle ressource pour l’étude des #inscriptionsgrecques #estampages #patrimoine #Antiquite #publicationnumerique
New E-stampages - digitized squeezes from @efathenes excavations at Thasos, Delphi, Delos & Philippi @hisoma_umr @Huma_Num
E-STAMPAGES : une nouvelle ressource pour l’étude des inscriptions grecques ! E-STAMPAGES permet de consulter des images 2D et 3D associées à des métadonnées des collections produites depuis la fin du XIXe s. (Thasos, Delphes, Délos, Philippes en Grèce).
#DATAM The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Group - UFlorida - Dr Wagner - how to upload a squeeze for 3D model
New photography of the Rosetta Stone @britishmuseum for producing digital edition with #text alignment - in collaboration with Leipzig University and the University of Florida
3D model of Rosetta Stone inscription being made from scans made yesterday @britishmuseum : challenge to get detail of text on such a large, immovable object in a public space! Have to keep moving light source #digiclass
EBozia presenting neat tools for creating and analysing #3D models of #epigraphy #cdh2018
#CDH2018 "DEA: interdisciplinary project from the Digital Worlds Institute and the Department of Classics at the University of Florida: develop new open-access scientific tools for the Humanities + apply concepts from digital and interactive media"
E-STAMPAGES : archivage et publication en ligne d’une ectypothèque d’inscriptions grecques in Les Nouvelles de l'Archéologie
#UFdigscholarship Dr. Eleni Bozia @UFDigitalWorlds sharing the Digital Epigraphy Project- disseminating 3D scanned inscriptions.
3D prints from Digital Epigraphy & Archaeology project ( ) #capturingsenses
Eleni Bozia reflects on the humanities & digital tools in the midst of department & disciplinary divisions #capturingsenses
#archaeological and #epigraphic data - #3D imaging #virtualreality #augmentedreality #capturingsenses @lunduniversity
Replying to @morethangrass… cool project, ta!! @infoliterati hmm could we 3d print ancient coins for a workshop? Nb @adreinhard
Replying to @infoliterati I'm more about the challenges of retaining and maintaining the digitised content, but found this -…
Adeline Levivier présente le projet E-Stampages #Collecta
Love it! Using for letterpress books, cards, & artists books! @ehh_ptr @UF_Humanities @UFDigitalWorlds
"Skeleton query" pose & find statues w the posture, Eleni Bozia presenting, so cool! @ufdigitalhum @ElizabethRDale
Eleni Bozia on community/scholar sourcing for Digital Epigraphy & Archaeology Project @ElizabethRDale @ufdigitalhum
The project has some wonderful interactive visualizations #eagle2016
Eleni Bozia presents de project at #EAGLE2016 @SapienzaRoma
Eleni Bozia on - lots of analysis of users needs! #eagle2016
The Digital Epigraphy Toolbox is an digital tool for examining inscriptions #virtualheritage #epigraphy #3D…
E Bozia talking about replicating replicas. 3D digitisation of paper squeezes. #Ca19 #EAAGla @EAAGlasgow
Okay so I don't deal with texts, but if you do looks ace! #CA19 #eaagla @katemond
Exciting project between France and the UF: 3D digitisation of #squeezes of inscriptions from Thessaly #Epigraphy…
Angelos @UFDigitalWorlds opens up 3d scanning and preservation to all sizes of data across humanities. #tcgnv
Interested in 3D scanning and printing? Join Angelos Barmpoutis's 'Play' session & DIY workshop… #tcgnv
Eleni Bozia makes the audience go wow #ctp2015 @ctp2015
Eleni Bozia shows inventive uses of Kinect for teaching classics #ctp2015
Another example with the Monumentum Ancyranum… Extremely cheap 3D scanning: only need A4 scan or pictures #ctp2015
Elena Bozia on the future of epigraphy: 3D models! The technology is pretty wild #ctp2015
Eleni Bozia is showing a really cool tool for examining in 3D squeezes of epigraphy:… #ctp2015
Eleni Bozia's talk at #ctp2015: The Visual Language and metalanguage of ancient sources. Begins with Umberto Eco's The name of the rose!
At @HUMlab seminar with Eleni Bozia and @adreinhard (chaired by @FencingFox ). Nice to have future post-doc @lornarichardson visiting!
And the same day (Tuesday, March 17): Eleni Bozia and @adreinhard in HUMlab. Great day!…
Don't miss! SeminarsX3 March 17, with Eleni Bozia @UF, @adreinhard and @RaifordGuins!… @umeauniversity @humanioraumu
Digital epigraphy! Open source epigraphic collaboration shares artifacts broadly.…
Paper cast of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti inscription from the Monumentum Ancyranum, represented in 3-D…
You can embed 3-D representations of inscriptions in your website, thanks to Dig Epig, Project…
Enjoyed a fascinating presentation from the team at U. Fla.'s Digital Epigraphy Project. 3-D scans of squeezes rock!
Interesting to see what additional info one might be able to glean from 3D (vs 2D) scans of ancient papyri/tablets…
3D images of #Cornell collection of #ResGestae squeezes now online…
#OpenPhilology Eleni Bozia on using virtual reality and experimental learning in teaching Classical drama
#eagle2014 digital epigraphy toolbox provides tools to build the 3D model from your own flatbed scans of the squeeze
Bozia: The Digital Epigraphy Toolbox:… manipulate 3D models of inscriptions through your browser
#eagle2014 "we provide the source code of this software which can be accessed using the D…
#eagle2014 #openaccess #epigraphy: electronic dissemination of 3D-digitized archaeological material (E. Bozia, A. Barmpoutis, R. Wagman)
Angelos Barmpoutis considers computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning for #epigraphy #eagle2014…
One last thing from an amazing 2 days at #tcgnv. Really cool technology that will be changing online education.
#Digitalepigraphy & #archaeology #classics #inscriptions #3Dvisualization
March Madness at the NEH: University of Florida - The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology project (DEA) is an interdisciplinary project initiated by scientists from …
Cody Houseman: The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology project | Classics
DEA should not sound too far-fetched. After all, gaming systems which use haptic technology and 3D motion detection and on-screen recreation have been on the market for a few years now. It is about time we apply similar technology in the field of archaeology beyond artists
Visualization of the 3D reconstructed model of a part of the Res Gestae via
USA: Tele-Epigrafia in 3D Il portale delle news Ecco un passo veramente importante nell'uso delle stampanti 3D per le comunità accademiche di tutto il mondo. Da qualche mese dall' Università della Florida e dalla Cornell University , entrambe …
Um grupo interdisciplinar fez a 1a. teletransferência de uma inscrição antiga em relevo, enviada de Cornell e…
"Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project" good read フロリダ大のプロジェクト…
Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project - Digital Worlds Institute - Department of Classics - Univ… | @scoopit
Digital Epigraphy Toolbox:…
Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project: DEA is an interdisciplinary project initiated by scientists from the Digital Worlds Institute and the Department of Classics at the University of Florida. The goal of the project …
Eleni Bozia: The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project. video/audio/slides now online… #DigiClass
#digiclass The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project (Eleni Bozia): This presentation will introduce the D…
RT @palaeofuturist: Eleni Bozia from U Florida is speaking on the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project #digiclass
Digital Epigraphy Toolbox has a button, "3D from 2D" that does all the work of creating model. #digiclass
Bozia giving detailed demonstration of value of palaeographic collections for reading and dating inscriptions #digiclass
Digital Epigraphy Toolbox: 2 scans, at 90* angle, with flatbed scanner; physical properties of paper known. "Shape from shading". #digiclass
Check out some other digital epigraphy projects - this one from U of Florida #digital humanities
Eleni Bozia (Florida): The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project. Friday July 12th at 16:30…
A fascinating project from the Classics Dept. of Florida University, presented also at the XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae …
Having fun playing with the U of Florida (free) Digital Epigraphy Toolbox which can help anyone turn squeeze scans 3D!
Digital Worlds Professor, Angelos Barmpoutis, placed second at a competition for #DigitalHumanities for the Digital Epigraphy Toolbox
Το Digital Epigraphy Toolbox είναι ένα καινούριο και εξελιγμένο ερευνητικό εργαλείο για την ανάγνωση και ανάλυση των ελληνικών και λατινικών αρχαίων επιγραφών. Η εφαρμογή επιτρέπει την τρισδιάστατη 3D απεικόνιση της επιγραφής και την αποθήκευση της μεταγραφής της στην διαδικτυακή βιβλιοθήκη. Η εφαρμογή αναπτύχθηκε από το UF στα πλαίσια του Digital Epigraphy & Archaeology (DEA)
UF's digital epigraphy toolbox is released to the public: ! #digitalhumanities… open-source cross-platform web-app: for digital pres, study, & electronic dissemination of ancient inscriptions.
That Digital Epigraphy Toolbox looks amazing. Great way to solve a problem with tools that almost any scholars has at home. #interfaceUF
In a few months, the Digital Epigraphy Toolbox will be online for anyone to use thanks to NEH funding! #interfaceUF
@briancroxall the video of the Digital Epigraphy Toolbox is really awesome, showing the 3d so clearly and powerfully. #interfaceUF
You can create a 3D image of the squeeze by simply scanning it twice, once rotated 90 degrees. Light shift is enough. #interfaceUF
We are now hearing about the digital epigraphy toolbox from the Digital Worlds Institute: #interfaceUF
Now: Digital Epigraphy Toolbox. Thingywhatsits for working with ancient inscriptions. #sug2011
Elli Mylonis, this is for you: Digital Epigraphy Toolbox. #SUG2011
Digital Epigraphy Toolbox winds NEH #DigHum grant:…
Epigraphic squeeze now in 3D! NEH funds Digital Epigraphy Toolbox project at U of Florida
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